ChatGPT got a new accessibility feature, now users can read their replies.

ChatGPT Gets New Accessibility Feature, Can Now Read Its Responses Aloud to Users
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ChatGPT got a new accessibility feature, now users can read their replies.

Chat GPT has got a new accessibility feature that can be helpful for the visually impaired. gave Artificial intelligence (AI) powered chatbot announced by OpenAI. Read aloud Peer’s feature that can read his written responses. The new feature is different from the voice chat feature that was introduced in September 2023 and uses the multimodal capabilities of the AI ​​model. Notably, an earlier report also revealed that the version of the Android app Chatbot Might get a home screen widget soon.

The new feature was announced via the official account of OpenAI ONX (formerly known as Twitter). Post. It said, “ChatGPT can now read your replies. On iOS or Android, tap and hold a message and then tap “Read Aloud”. Click the “Read Aloud” button below.He also attached a video to demo the feature.

Read aloud Chat is available for GPT’s Android and iOS apps as well as its web client. This feature is included in both ChatGPT 4.0 which powers the ChatGPT Plus version as well as ChatGPT 3.5 which is available for free access. This feature can read answers in 37 different languages. However, in order to respond, it will automatically detect the language of the text it is generating. So, if the response was generated in English, the verbal response would also be in English.

Although this appears to be similar to the Voice Chat feature, it is a different use case for text-to-speech functionality. In voice chat, users can only speak verbally and hear responses, and cannot see text until the conversation ends. In contrast, with this feature, the mode of communication remains text-only, and users can pick and choose which message to listen to. This can be used if a user is busy and cannot look at the screen to read a long answer, or visually impaired people who are unable to read at a given moment.

OpenAI seems to be working on a number of new features. One first Reports claimed that the chatbot’s Android app may soon get a home screen widget. The widget comes with shortcuts for sending text messages, uploading or sending photos, voice questions, or starting a voice chat.

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Chatgpt read aloud accessibility feature added to chatgpt.,Openai,Artificial intelligence,ai,Chatbots