26 ton gold smuggling scandal, investigation announced against accused in custody

26 ton gold smuggling scandal, investigation announced against accused in custody
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26 ton gold smuggling scandal, investigation announced against accused in custody

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In Libya, it has been announced to start an investigation against the accused in the gold smuggling scandal.

The Attorney General’s Office announced an investigation against the accused in the gold smuggling scandal in the North African country.

According to Arab media, among the detained suspects are the Chief Collector of Customs at Misrata International Airport and several important officials.

The arrested suspects are accused of trying to smuggle around 26 tons of gold bars abroad.

According to Arab media, the value of these gold bricks in the international market is 1 billion 80 million US dollars.

According to Arab media, the suspects were detained on Sunday after a long investigation. The disappearance of Libya’s gold reserves was identified by the World Gold Council last year.

At the time of Colonel Gaddafi’s ouster in 2011, the country’s gold reserves were 143.82 tons. Which was reduced to 116.64 tons in 2014.

The main character of the gold smuggling scandal in Libya is the head of Combined Operations, Abul Qasim Al-Samidi, who is absconding.

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