3 Kashmiri youth martyred in state terrorism of Indian Army

3 Kashmiri youth martyred in state terrorism of Indian Army
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3 Kashmiri youth martyred in state terrorism of Indian Army

Youth martyred in Kulgam district under the guise of so-called search operation, Photo: File

Srinagar: During the so-called search operation in Occupied Kashmir, 3 Kashmiri youths were martyred in the aggression of the Indian Army.

According to Kashmir Media Service, the Indian army searched every house in Kulgam district by laying siege, violated the sanctity of chadar and four walls. During this time, a house was fired indiscriminately.

3 Kashmiri youths were martyred on the spot in the firing of the occupying Indian army, while their houses were also demolished and the bodies were given to the police instead of being handed over to the relatives.

The families of the martyred youths are forced to stumble upon the dead bodies of their loved ones. The residents of the area strongly protested against this brutality and raised slogans in favor of Kashmir’s freedom struggle.

It should be remembered that yesterday an Indian Air Force convoy was ambushed in Poonch district in which one officer was killed and 4 were injured.

Since this incident, the occupying Indian Army has conducted a search operation first in Poonch and now in Kulgam district.

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