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What is the real cause of abnormal rains?

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What is the real cause of abnormal rains?

Like last year, more than normal rains are being indicated this time, a glimpse of which is being seen in Balochistan province.

Climate change across the world has once again sounded the alarm that like other countries, clouds will freeze and rain in Pakistan.

Why do abnormal heavy rains occur? ,

In this regard, Dr. Hasan Abbas, an environmentalist, gave detailed information about artificial rains (cloud seeding) in the program of ARY News.

He said that cloud seeding is a technique to speed up the conversion of cloud vapor into rain and salt is used to artificially change the weather.

He said that first of all, with the help of satellite data, such clouds are identified which can possibly cause heavy rain.

In response to a question regarding artificial rains, he said that apart from climate change, changes in cloud seeding energy systems are also causing more rains.

He said that the change in the energy system affects the hydrological cycle because it is the whole system where sea water evaporates and travels in the form of clouds and at one time the clouds rain.

But cloud seeding increases its speed and energy and the clouds also become larger and more powerful and move beyond the point instead of settling down.

It should be remembered that in December last year, the first successful experiment of artificial rain was conducted in Lahore under cloud seeding with the support of United Arab Emirates.

Special aircraft are flown to areas where turbulence is created by the clouds, releasing chemicals that cause a chain reaction. This process destabilizes the cloud and the ship has to be ejected immediately.


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What is the real cause of abnormal rains?

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