An attempt to transfer 10 maunds of dead animal meat to Lahore failed

An attempt to transfer 10 maunds of dead animal meat to Lahore failed
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An attempt to transfer 10 maunds of dead animal meat to Lahore failed

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Lahore: The Punjab Police arrested the accused after foiling the attempt to supply the meat of 10 dead animals to Lahore.

According to the details, the citizens of Lahore were saved from eating dead meat because the Mujahid Squad of Shera Kot recovered the meat of 10 dead animals.

According to the police spokesperson, the suspect who supplied the meat of the dead animal was arrested. SP Mujahid Zohaib Ranjha said that the accused was transporting dead meat from Nankana Sahib to Lahore.

The police destroyed the unhealthy meat and handed it over to the food department, while the accused Chand was handed over to Shirakot police station for legal action.

SB Mujahid Zohaib Ranjha says that effective measures for strict monitoring of entry and exit routes and strict security under the supervision of supervisory officers are in progress.

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