Bangladeshi fighter jet destroyed in stunt attempt; The video went viral

Bangladeshi fighter jet destroyed in stunt attempt;  The video went viral
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Bangladeshi fighter jet destroyed in stunt attempt; The video went viral

One Bangladeshi pilot was killed and the other is in critical condition, Photo: File

Dhaka: A Bangladeshi Air Force fighter jet crashed in a horrific crash while attempting the famous ‘Top Gun’ stunt, killing one of the two pilots who parachuted to save their lives.

According to the World News Agency, the dangerous maneuver aileron roll is an aerobatic maneuver in which an aircraft lands at an angle of 360 degrees from its longitudinal axis and takes off again at the same speed as soon as the wheels touch the runway.

Bangladesh’s squadron leader Asim Jawad and his co-pilot, Wing Commander Sohan Hasan Khan, attempted to quickly re-launch the aircraft by hitting it from the air on the runway, which proved unsuccessful.

All these scenes were recorded in CCTV footages, in which it can be seen that the plane hit the runway at full speed and burst into flames as it flew back.

The fire quickly engulfs the plane after which the plane crashes on the ground. Meanwhile, the pilots jump out of the plane and crash into a nearby river.

In this incident, 32-year-old squadron leader Asim Jawad died on reaching the hospital while Sohan Hassan Khan is still fighting for his life in a critical condition.

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