Both high and low in your hands!

Both high and low in your hands!
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Both high and low in your hands!

Today we are living in the era of modern technology and we have been overwhelmed by technology in such a way that nowadays it is said that “nowadays children are trained more by TV and Internet than by their parents!”

If we talk about the 1990s, kids used to watch bespectacled genie, tom and jerry, ninja turtles, khul ja sim sim etc., which were watched at certain times and then cycling, cricket, chappan chapai, khudam. Physical games like catch, khokho, barf pani etc. were played.

After that, he used to sit with his parents regularly and before going to sleep, he would read magazines or read books and fall asleep. The advantage of such hours was that the children were healthy both physically and mentally. Along with the children, the mothers also took care of their health and paid special attention to their training so that they would not have any omissions that would lead to the destruction of their personality tomorrow.

But today the era has changed. Along with ‘social media’, special attention is also paid to the fact that the conversation continues on the phone and then the processes are started, which cause disintegration of the children’s personality.

Often, while talking on the phone, each other’s bad things are started, and then when the person who has been hurt is faced with the child and the child repeats what you said, you are ashamed, even if it is your fault. Or do you decide for yourself? It also happens that if your sister calls you and you don’t want to talk, you’ll say, “Go and tell her that mom is sleeping.”

In such a situation, the child becomes a victim of a dilemma that is it wrong or right to lie? And then when he lies to you, you express anger, but have you thought who actually taught him to lie? It is said that your actions speak louder than words.

In the same way, while doing an action, it is thought that they are playing games or are busy, so where will they consider our actions or words? And thinking this, mothers watch such movies and dramas in front of their children and at that time they think that their children are small and unable to understand anything, but this is not the case.

Of course, those children cannot understand the plot in this play, but they can definitely hear the language used in it and then they use the same language in school and other places, then the mothers realize their mistake. , to even think about it, whose fault is yours or the child’s? Who wonders what would happen if they were exposed to a program that was not appropriate for the children’s age. Caste and personality will not matter.

It makes a big difference, it is the mother’s responsibility to talk on the phone and answer that I am currently going to sleep and not force the child to lie. Avoid criticizing anyone in front of children, avoid watching content in the media that is not suitable for children and may cause their personality to deteriorate.

In today’s era, raising children has become a very sensitive matter, nowadays it is more necessary that parents pay attention to their speech, style, conversation, actions and pay attention to it and more than TV and Internet. Raise them yourself, because nowadays there is no need to sit and explain to the child and then he learns, today, whatever you do, say, the child will learn and understand the same, because the child then It’s yours. Both highs and lows are in your hands today.

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