Citizen Injured In Robbery Attempt, Villagers Apprehend Suspects

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Citizen Injured In Robbery Attempt, Villagers Apprehend Suspects

WAH CANTT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 31st Mar, 2024) In a robbery incident in Bodo area under the jurisdiction of Taxila Police station, on Sundaya group of four armed bandits, wielding pistols, shot and injured a man As he valiantly resisted a robbery attempt.

The victim, identified as Owais Javaid, recounted the terrifying encounter to the Police, detailing how the armed assailants attempted to snatch his motorcycle and valuables at gunpoint near a local graveyard. Despite his resistance, one of the assailants fired a shot, striking his leg and causing him to fall, prompting the assailants to flee the scene.

This drew the attention of local residents, who quickly responded to the distress, prompting the victim to recount his ordeal. Showing incredible solidarity, the villagers pursued and subdued the fleeing bandits, subsequently handing them over to the authorities after subjecting them to retribution.

This courageous act of communal resilience underscores the unwavering determination of the local population to uphold justice and security within their community.


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