Cloudy forecast in Syria

Cloudy forecast in Syria
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Cloudy forecast in Syria

—File photo

Karachi, the largest city of the country, is in the grip of extreme heat, in this regard, the meteorological analyst says that a slight improvement in the weather is expected in Karachi till this evening, it is likely to remain partly cloudy in Syria.

According to the Meteorological Department, the weather in Karachi is likely to remain hot and humid during the next 24 hours.

The minimum temperature was recorded at 27.3 degrees Celsius, while the maximum temperature is expected to be between 35 and 37 degrees Celsius.

Winds are blowing at a speed of 11 kilometers per hour in Shahr-e-Quaid, with a humidity ratio of 70 percent.

The Meteorological Department says that due to more humidity in the air, heat will be felt more during the day.

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