Decision to take strict action on issuance of unnecessary visas

Decision to take strict action on issuance of unnecessary visas
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Decision to take strict action on issuance of unnecessary visas

Issuing unnecessary visas and selling them in the market is an old business in Saudi Arabia. The government has now decided to take strict action against him.

According to the report of the international news agency, a special survey will be conducted by the Saudi Ministry of Manpower and Social Welfare for the purpose of amending the law to regulate the implementation of the labor market and Iqama laws.

The Saudi Ministry of Manpower and Social Welfare has suggested that the legislation regarding the issuance of unnecessary visas should be tightened.

According to the report, in order to regulate the labor market in the kingdom and prevent the importation of additional manpower, the Ministry of Manpower has said that visas should be issued carefully.

It has been proposed to impose a fine of 2 lakh to 5 lakh riyals while taking action against those issuing visas for lack of employment opportunities.

The ministry further said that if it is proved that the visas were issued only for business reasons, then in this case, a fine of 2 lakh riyals should be imposed on the violator.

Visas should not be issued unless the employer can prove that they need the worker. Visa regulations for technical and domestic workers need to be revised.

The ministry further says that if the violator is a foreigner, in that case he should also be deported.


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