Despite being the treasure of the whole world, we have become paupers, Mehmood Khan Achakzai

Despite being the treasure of the whole world, we have become paupers, Mehmood Khan Achakzai
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Despite being the treasure of the whole world, we have become paupers, Mehmood Khan Achakzai

Mahmood Khan Achakzai: Photo File

Mahmood Khan Achakzai, head of Pashtun Khwa Milli Awami Party (PKMAP) says that despite being the treasure of the world, we have become poor, the blessings mentioned in Surah Rehman are in Pakistan, yet why are we hungry?

How and why to preserve the Constitution of Pakistan in Islamabad? Mahmood Khan Achakzai while addressing the seminar said that real freedom will come when parliament is formed by popular vote.

He said that when there is no conflict or supremacy of any sect in the country, there will be freedom, real freedom will come in the country when the elected government of the people comes, for that we have to reform and bring change.

Mehmood Achakzai said that founder PTI is the leader of the most popular party in the country, there is no question of releasing him, he will have to be released, if he goes out, you will benefit, if founder PTI stays here. It means that he is a gentleman.

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