Indian Prime Minister rejects irresponsible statements of ministers, Foreign Office

Indian Prime Minister rejects irresponsible statements of ministers, Foreign Office
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Indian Prime Minister rejects irresponsible statements of ministers, Foreign Office

The spokesperson of the Foreign Office termed the statements of Indian leaders as a threat to peace—Photo: File

Islamabad: Foreign Office Spokesperson Mumtaz Zahra Baloch, while reacting to the recent statements made by the Indian Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and other cabinet members regarding Pakistan, said that during the Lok Sabha election campaign by various Indian leaders. Anti-Pakistan rhetoric has increased alarmingly.

We categorically reject these irresponsible statements, he said, covering various topics including Jammu and Kashmir conflict, counter-terrorism efforts, state of bilateral relations and nuclear capabilities.

The spokesperson said that it is regrettable that these statements reflect India’s unwarranted obsession with Pakistan and intentions to exploit hyper-nationalism for electoral gains.

Mumtaz Zahra Baloch said that this also marks a desperate attempt by Indian ministers to divert attention from the growing domestic and international criticism, the statements made by Indian leaders expose the carelessness and extremist mentality .

The Foreign Office spokesperson said that this mindset calls into question India’s ability to be responsible for its own strategic capability, Pakistan’s strategic capability aimed at protecting its sovereignty and defending its territorial integrity.

He said that Pakistan has clearly demonstrated its commitment to self-defense in the past and will not hesitate to do so in the future if India chooses to do so.

“Just a few months ago, we exposed details of India’s campaign of extrajudicial and international killings on Pakistani soil and India’s continued emphasis on its readiness for offensive operations inside Pakistan is an admission of guilt,” he said. .

The spokesperson of the Foreign Office said in the statement that on the provocative rhetoric about Azad Jammu and Kashmir, we reiterate that historical facts, legal principles, ground facts refute India’s baseless claims.

He said that Jammu and Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory, and the relevant UN Security Council resolutions clearly mandate a UN-sponsored referendum for its final determination.

He said that no statement of Indian leaders can change this fact, so India should focus on implementing these resolutions instead of getting confused in concepts.

He urged the Indian politicians to stop dragging Pakistan into their domestic politics for electoral gains, and handle sensitive strategic issues with extreme caution.

He said that we demand the international community to take notice of the aggressive rhetoric of the Indian leadership, these statements are a serious threat to regional peace and stability.

The Foreign Office Spokesperson said that the vision of peace, development and prosperity in South Asia can only be achieved through peaceful resolution of all disputes including Jammu and Kashmir and a shift from confrontation to cooperation.

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