Interference in judicial matters is rejected, the matter is of national security, it should not be expanded, federal ministers

Interference in judicial matters is rejected, the matter is of national security, it should not be expanded, federal ministers
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Interference in judicial matters is rejected, the matter is of national security, it should not be expanded, federal ministers

Joint press conference of federal ministers rejected the impression of interference in the judiciary (Photo file)

Islamabad: The federal ministers rejected the allegations of interference and pressure in the judicial affairs of Islamabad High Court judge Justice Babar Sattar and said that the matter should not be taken so far as it is a matter of national security.

Minister of Information Attaullah Tarar, rejecting the allegations of interference and pressure in the judicial affairs of Islamabad High Court Judge Babar Sattar, said that no one has given the message that you should step back, but it was only said in the camera briefing which The request was made for reasons of national security and no compromise will be made on it.

The Prime Minister of Law, Nazir Tarar, while holding a joint press conference with the Minister of Information, Attaullah Tarar, said that there was a lot of discussion in TV, newspapers and radio regarding the laws and regulations of social media, and an authority has been created in this regard. After that, the matter also came up in CLCC.

read more: Back off, Justice Babar Sattar, I was given a message in the audio leaks case

He said that the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting had sent a draft regarding social media legislation after consultation with several stakeholders, which was presented to the federal cabinet for approval today.

The Law Minister said that in this draft, the establishment of an authority regarding digital rights has been proposed and the guiding principles have also been defined, which are in accordance with Article 19 of the Constitution of Pakistan. The members of the cabinet also confirmed that political consensus is necessary in the legislation, so the committee has been formed to include the representation and consent of the coalition parties.

Azam Nazir Tarar said that the committee will submit a report within a week after reviewing the draft.

He said that now Attorney General of Pakistan Mansoor Awan went for a discussion, he discussed about a letter and also gave his opinion along with some clarifications.

A distinguished judge of the Islamabad High Court has written a letter, the contents of which gave the impression that the intelligence and defense agencies want or do interfere in the work of the judges.

The Minister of Law said that the thing that bothers me is that it was publicized in such a way as to interfere in the judiciary. Even before that, a letter from six judges came and the government immediately responded to the Chief Justice’s letter. Keeping in mind the instructions of the Justice and the Full Court, the Full Court was made so that milk is milk and water is water.

He said that the Supreme Court had taken notice of the issue of the threatening letter and now the matter is under hearing, so I will not talk much about it. He said that an independent judiciary takes the country forward, but in the face of the challenges and environment we are facing, including terrorism, law and order, economic and security, all the institutions should give each other a little space. So everyone should work in their own circle.

On this occasion, the Prime Minister of Information Attaullah Tarar said that if a message is given by the Attorney General that an in-camera briefing should be done, then a letter is written on it out of context that I am being told that Let me backtrack, it is not factual, if these in camera briefings were requested for reasons of national security and let me make it clear that there will be no compromise on national security.

He said that do not take this matter so far because it is a matter of national security and it is not appropriate to raise questions about national security on this one issue. Someone has written a letter that they are regularly pressured in harsh language to make such and such a decision in such and such a case.

He said that issues of national security should not be highlighted through letters, if there is a matter to be discussed, the Chief Justice can call it without the court, writing a letter to the Chief Justice, who meets daily, makes the matter controversial. Is.

Attaullah Tarar said that no compromise will be made on national security and if the question of national security is raised regarding this issue, it will not be appropriate. I think that the tension has to be reduced and all institutions have to work together on it.

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