Khawaja Asif uttered unparliamentary words by naming my grandfather: Umar Ayub

Khawaja Asif uttered unparliamentary words by naming my grandfather: Umar Ayub
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Khawaja Asif uttered unparliamentary words by naming my grandfather: Umar Ayub

Opposition leader Umar Ayub Khan in the National Assembly session – file photo

Leader of Opposition in National Assembly Umar Ayub Khan says that Khawaja Asif took the name of my grandfather yesterday and uttered unparliamentary words.

Speaking in the National Assembly session, the opposition leader Umar Ayub Khan said that Khawaja Asif gave personal remarks yesterday.

They say that President Ayub Khan is a part of history, martial law was imposed by Iskandar Mirza.

Opposition leader Umar Ayub Khan said that I have come to the House with the votes of the people, Khawaja Asif has been defeated by Rehana Dar.

He also says that Khawaja Asif has won form 47, he has been shaken by his defeat against Rehana Dar.

It should be noted that yesterday Defense Minister Khawaja Asif while addressing the National Assembly said that I support the opposition leader Umar Ayub’s statement, Article 6 of high treason should be imposed on violation of the constitution.

He said that Ayub Khan broke the constitution by imposing the first martial law in the country, the beginning should be with Ayub Khan.

Defense Minister Khawaja Asif had demanded that former Field Marshal Ayub Khan’s body be exhumed and hanged.

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