Like other people, I have the right to live my life as I wish: Hazem Bangwar

Like other people, I have the right to live my life as I wish: Hazem Bangwar
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Like other people, I have the right to live my life as I wish: Hazem Bangwar

Photos courtesy of social media accounts

Hazem Bangwar, the former assistant commissioner of North Nazimabad area of ​​Karachi, has given a strong reply to those who criticized his fashionable outfit worn at the Style Awards.

Hazem Bangwar has expressed his displeasure and anger at the behavior of the critics through a post on his social media account, Instagram, without naming any of them.

Hazim Bangwar wrote in his Instagram post that most people have forgotten that I am a human being apart from a bureaucrat, like other people I have the right to live my personal life as I wish.

He further says that he is well aware of his professional responsibilities, duties of the office and the status of the post, he is performing all his duties in a good manner.

Hazem Bangwar says that he left his luxurious life to become a part of this system to serve the people but he is having to pay the price of his decision, he is criticized, trolled and inappropriate behavior and words are being used every day for wearing ordinary clothes. face, they are performing their professional responsibilities well and go to the office dressed well.

He further wrote in his defense that no doctor or officer goes out wearing his uniform in public places but I am expected to go out wearing the same clothes that I wear in my office.

Hazem Bangwar says that his last and only aim is to serve the public, he hopes that he will be allowed to discharge his duties in a calm manner.

It should be noted that Hazim Bangwar attended the style awards ceremony of private TV in Karachi two days ago, during which he wore a very unique and fashionable black dress.

Several pictures and videos of Hazim Bangwar dressed in this outfit went viral on social media, on which she was severely criticized.

The critics included not only the general public but also the former federal information minister Fawad Hussain Chaudhry.

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