Major US Bridge Collapses As Cargo Ship Plows Into Pylon

Major US bridge collapses as cargo ship plows into pylon
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Major US Bridge Collapses As Cargo Ship Plows Into Pylon

A major bridge collapsed in Baltimore on Tuesday, blocking one of the busiest US commercial harbors, after a heavily laden cargo ship lost power and smashed into a support column despite desperate attempts to stop in time.

Baltimore, (APP – UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 26th Mar, 2024) A major bridge collapsed in Baltimore on Tuesday, blocking one of the busiest US commercial harbors, after a heavy laden Cargo ship lost power and smashed into a support column despite desperate attempts to stop in time.

Six people — all Members of a nighttime construction crew repairing potholes on the Francis Scott Key Bridge — were missing, officials said.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore told reporters that quick thinking by authorities once the ship issued a Mayday call allowed officials to stop. vehicles from going onto the bridge.

“We’re thankful that between the Mayday and the collapse that we had officials who were able to begin to stop the flow of traffic,” Moore said. “These people are heroes. They saved lives last night.”

The 1:30 am (0530 GMT) disaster occurred at dramatic speed, with video footage capturing the moment the ship, piled high with containers, slammed into one of the bridge supports, instead of passing safely under.

Almost immediately, the steel structure, which was opened in 1977, collapsed like a deck of cards.

The number of casualties was still unclear, with divers and other specialist rescue teams combing the frigid waters of the Patapsco River that lead into the bustling industrial harbor just north of the capital Washington.

In addition to the six missing construction workers, two others from the same team were rescued, with one of them severely injured.

God willing, they can make it alive out of this,” Jesus Camposanother employee at Brawner Builders Inc., of his missing colleagues.

The governora rising star in the Democratic party, also said there was no indication that the bridge was structurally at fault, noting that it “was actually fully up to code” — meaning it had been inspected and met safety requirements.

“The crew that was out there working was basically repairing potholes, just so you understand that had nothing to do with a structural issue at all,” Paul Wiedefeld, the Maryland transportation chief, said.

President Joe Biden called the collapse a “terrible.” accident,” and pledged to get the port back up and running as soon as possible.

He also said the bridge would be rebuilt, but admitted it would “take some time.”

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