Marriage in Iddat case, hearing on application for suspension of sentence

Marriage in Iddat case, hearing on application for suspension of sentence
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Marriage in Iddat case, hearing on application for suspension of sentence

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Judge Shahrukh Arjamand heard the appeals of founder PTI and Bushra Bibi against the sentence in the Iddat marriage case in the District and Sessions Court Islamabad.

At the beginning of the hearing, Khawar Manika’s lawyer Rizwan Abbasi said that I want to give arguments in court on some legal points, I want to give arguments on filing and withdrawing the complaint, I want to give arguments on withdrawing the complaint before the indictment, the case. I would like to discuss the legal points related to jurisdiction, delay in filing the complaint and the legal points of Idah period.

Lawyer Rizwan Abbasi said that he will also give arguments on the status of marriage during Iddah, I will also give arguments on expressing indifference to the charges. Withdrawal of complaint on technical grounds before imposition, investigation is the first step in any case, issuance of notice and framing of charges is called inquiry stage.

Khawar Manika’s lawyer said that the court has the authority to issue notice to any relevant person connected with the case, Muhammad Hanif withdrew the complaint before the indictment, Muhammad Hanif’s complaint is not related to Khawar Manika’s complaint, F. Cases registered by IA and police are different.

Lawyer Rizwan Abbasi, citing various Supreme Court cases, said that earlier the complaint of Muhammad Hanif was dismissed by the Sessions Court on jurisdiction, CrPC Section 177 deals with jurisdiction, witnesses said fraudulent marriage. Despite PTI founder and Bushra Bibi staying in Islamabad, Bushra Bibi and PTI founder did not refuse to stay together during the trial.

Judge Shahrukh Arjamand asked that if the case of fraudulent marriage was to be registered, where would it be?

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