Martyrs were our people, what should we apologize for, Umar Ayub

Martyrs were our people, what should we apologize for, Umar Ayub
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Martyrs were our people, what should we apologize for, Umar Ayub

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Leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) Umar Ayub has said that we have been tortured, our youth have become martyrs, our people have become martyrs, why should we ask for forgiveness.

Speaking to the media in Faisalabad, Umar Ayub said that there are bogus cases, now we are going to conduct an investigation, the conditions of the country are in front of you, the country is not running because of them.

He said that 350 billion rupees were inoculated in wheat, at that time Mohsin Naqvi was the Chief Minister, along with Mohsin Naqvi, other people of Muslim League are also involved.

Umar Ayub says that he is filing a writ in the courts against the current government, there has been no discussion with Jamaat-e-Islami yet regarding the movement.

The PTI leader said that Sher Afzal is issuing a show cause notice to Marwat today, his decision has to be taken by the founder PTI.

Umar Ayub and Shibli Faraz are directed to join the investigation

On the other hand, the District and Sessions Judge Faisalabad directed the investigation involving PTI leaders Umar Ayub and Shibli Faraz in the May 9 cases.

On the order of the court, the in-charge investigation investigated the two leaders.

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