May 9 will be remembered as a black day in the country’s history

May 9 will be remembered as a black day in the country's history
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May 9 will be remembered as a black day in the country’s history

President Asif Ali Zardari has said that May 9 will be remembered as a black day in the country’s history. Those responsible for the May 9 violence must be held accountable to the full extent of the law.

Describing the malicious campaign against the state institutions on social media as regrettable, the President said that there is a need to devise a mechanism to deal with the campaign based on lies. All political parties should work for the promotion of tolerance and democratic values.

Asif Zardari said that on May 9, politically agitated mobs created havoc across the country, the mobs damaged government property and military installations. The events of May 9 badly affected the image of the country, the violent events only served the interests of Pakistan’s enemies, the attacks were an attempt to weaken the state writ, rule of law and institutions.

The President further said that peaceful demonstrations and constructive criticism are the spirit of democracy, the fundamental rights of assembly and expression are given in the Constitution of Pakistan, fundamental rights should be used responsibly according to the constitution and law.

He said that they will not tolerate any attempt to incite violence by misusing fundamental rights. Destruction of state property for political gain has never been seen in responsible democracies.

The President of the State said that the Pakistani armed forces are leading in the defense of the nation from various threats. Those responsible for the May 9 violence must be held accountable according to the law. Irresponsible action of political forces affects development process, irresponsible action of political forces also increases socio-economic challenges.

Asif Zardari said that all political parties should work for the promotion of tolerance and democratic values. All political parties should negotiate, work to guide the nation in the right direction. Political parties, parliaments, media and civil society should strengthen democracy, promote the rule of law, tolerance, political dialogue and a culture of inclusion.

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