Modi ji escaped from the elections in Occupied Kashmir!

Modi ji escaped from the elections in Occupied Kashmir!
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Modi ji escaped from the elections in Occupied Kashmir!

Today, on May 13, 2024, general elections are being held in Srinagar, the capital of Occupied Kashmir. These Lok Sabha or National Assembly elections are actually part of the general elections held across India.

Elections have started in 7 phases in Greater India. Three phases have passed. They started in the third week of April. Completion will be in the first week of June 2024. Now the eyes of the world are focused on the elections of occupied Kashmir in the fourth phase.

There are many reasons for this. The first reason is that every country in the world, including Pakistan, wants to see how the elections of Occupied Kashmir will be after the Indian constitution has scratched the unique, separate and special status of Occupied Kashmir. Another noteworthy reason is that the Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, and his anti-Muslim and violent ruling party, the BJP, have refused to participate in the elections in Occupied Kashmir.

This refusal is being called Modiji’s political escape and also cowardice. The fact is that the world has been surprised by Modiji’s refusal. The incident is that BJP and Mr. Modi have escaped from participating in the elections of Occupied Kashmir after 30 years. Let us also see what is the strategy behind this mysterious decision of Modi ji.

Narendra Modi has also been elected as the Chief Minister and the Prime Minister from the platform of “BJP”, which was born from the heart of the anti-Muslim, bigoted and antagonistic “RSS”. Now he is using every trick and every tactic to get elected as the Prime Minister of India for the third time. Arvind Kejriwal, the most beloved and most popular young Chief Minister of Delhi, has been accused of serious and self-inflicted allegations during the very elections. Locking him in jail is considered to be Modi’s most prominent and unethical tactic.

After spending seven weeks in jail, Kejriwal was released on bail by two judges of the Supreme Court of India on 10 May (until 1 June 2024) to campaign for himself and his party. It has been said that during these two and a half weeks of bail, he will not be able to perform any official work as the Chief Minister.

In the same way, Modi ji has blocked the speech of his second biggest political rival party “Congress” so that even Congress cannot come against BJP and Modi ji. In such an environment, there will be free and fair elections in India? Perhaps the American think tank Freedom House’s comment is correct that “Modi and his ruling party are using every official tactic to crush their opponents in the ongoing general elections in India.”

In these circumstances, what is the meaning and significance of the Lok Sabha elections in Occupied Kashmir under the tyranny of the Indian occupying army? Even so, elections are being held in Occupied Kashmir today. It will be five years in August 2024 that the special constitutional status of Occupied Kashmir (Article 370) was terminated by the cruel and exploitative hands of Modiji.

Modi won his second election on the slogan of his “Karname”. Thus, he succeeded in becoming the prime minister for the second time. This time, he has separated himself from the elections of Occupied Kashmir under a new strategy wrapped in mystery. Although, before the start of the elections, in March, he also made a thorough election tour of Occupied Kashmir. Perhaps during this period he realized his future.

Ronder Raina, the leader of the BJP in Occupied Kashmir, has said this about this separation on the instructions of his guru, Narendra Modi: have been. We have a big goal and target in front of us. But BJP will support “patriotic” parties in Kashmir Valley.

But the question is, which political parties of Occupied Kashmir are “patriotic” according to “BJP”? The independent Indian journalists themselves say that those Muslim political parties of Occupied Kashmir who dance on the cues of New Delhi, the Indian establishment and Modi, are the “patriotic” parties according to the “BJP”. These parties are actually called “BJP’s Proxies”. Ostensibly Muslims are Kashmiris, but internally they are enemies of Kashmir. Majority of Kashmiris know these proxies well.

BJP and Modi ji want to fulfill their nefarious and deadly ambitions by backing these bogus Kashmiri parties while remaining (seemingly) indifferent to the elections of Occupied Kashmir. The Indian establishment is playing a central role in making these scams successful.

But the world is sending blasts on India that even after five years of abolishing the special constitutional status of Occupied Kashmir, if Narendra Modi does not dare to step boldly in the general elections of Occupied Kashmir, it means that the stay in Occupied Kashmir will continue. All Indian slogans and claims of peace, public satisfaction and happiness and prosperity are hollow and baseless.

Occupied Kashmir (meaning Kashmir Valley) has three Lok Sabha seats: Srinagar, Baramulla and Anantnag and Rajouri! Today on May 13, under the fourth phase, elections are being held only in Srinagar. In the next three phases, elections will be held in Baramulla, Anantnag and Rajouri.

Two major political parties of Occupied Kashmir will face each other today: National Conference (NC) and People’s Democratic Party (PDP). Apart from this, Sajjad Lone’s People’s Conference, Altaf Bukhari’s own party, Ghulam Nabi Azad’s Democratic Progressive Azad Party (DPAP) are also in the field. The leaders of NC and PDP call these last three Kashmiri parties as “proxies of the Indian establishment”.

In Srinagar, the real fight is between the leader of the “National Conference” Agha Syed Roohullah Mehdi and Waheed Para of the “PDP”. are The former puppet Chief Minister of occupied Kashmir, Omar Abdullah, is contesting the Lok Sabha election from Baramulla.

Opposite him are PDP’s Fayaz Mir and People’s Conference’s Sajjad Lone. From Anantnag and Rajouri, the former puppet Chief Minister of Occupied Kashmir, Mehbooba Mufti, and National Conference’s Mian Altaf (and Apni Party’s Zafar Iqbal Minhas) are competing. Everyone is calling Zafar Iqbal Minhas the “proxy” of “BJP”.

The cruel thing is that not a single real Kashmiri leader is participating in the Lok Sabha elections in Occupied Kashmir. Modi has imprisoned the pro-Kashmiri leaders either in far-flung Indian prisons or they have gone missing.

Modi ji escaped from the elections in Occupied Kashmir!