Prevents heart diseases, diabetes and cancer

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Prevents heart diseases, diabetes and cancer

Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a religious duty, but it is also a great practice for improving health.

In this regard, the work of the medical experts is going on, in which the effects on the body of abstaining from food for certain times are evaluated.

A foreign news agency According to the report Experts from the University of Southern California in America say that fasting can prevent heart diseases and cancer.

According to the researchers, the results of the research revealed that if half the amount of calories are consumed five times a month, diseases like cancer, diabetes and heart diseases can be avoided.

Experts say that drinking water for at least six hours has positive effects on health. According to experts, fasting improves the amount of insulin in the body, corrects the digestive system and also improves the metabolism process.

According to experts, fasting increases age, research on fasting countries and individuals has revealed that eating less does not stress the digestive system and the process of cell breakdown slows down, while the brain Capacity also improves.

Experts say that fasting at least five times a month is very important for human health and life.


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fasting,HEART DISEASE,lowers risk factor,Heart disease,fasting,Sugar and Cancer