Prime Minister Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin, the state and the people are facing each other because of Azad Kashmir

Prime Minister Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin, the state and the people are facing each other because of Azad Kashmir
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Prime Minister Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin, the state and the people are facing each other because of Azad Kashmir

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President People’s Party Azad Kashmir Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin has said that he had a conversation with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, he has expressed concern over the current situation.

Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin said that all the parties should play a role in establishing peace and order in Azad Kashmir, the administration should open the door of dialogue to restore peace and order.

He said that the Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir is sitting in complete sanity, that is why the state and the people are facing each other today.

Chaudhry Muhammad Yasin said that electricity and flour are cheap in Gilgit-Baltistan, so why can’t it be in Azad Kashmir? The legitimate demands of the people should be fulfilled.

It should be noted that the protest against heavy bills has intensified in Azad Kashmir, shots were fired during the protests, ASI was killed by a bullet in the chest.

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