PTI boycott, possibility of all senate candidates from Sindh to win unopposed

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PTI boycott, possibility of all senate candidates from Sindh to win unopposed

KARACHI: All Senate candidates from Sindh are likely to win unopposed due to boycott by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

According to the details, PTI has announced a boycott of the election before the election on 12 seats of the Senate from Sindh.

He said that if the people of Sindh had been given a mandate, we could have made 4 senators, but our mandate has been taken away, our candidates will not contest the elections. He said that all the governments at present are fake, when we withdraw the mandate, the prime minister, president and all will be ours.

On the other hand, there is a possibility of unopposed candidates winning all the seats of the Senate in Sindh. Elections are to be held on April 2 for 7 general, 2 technocrat, 2 women and 1 minority seats from Sindh. People’s Party candidates can be elected unopposed in 10 seats.

1 MQM from Sindh, an independent candidate Faisal Vawda can win unopposed on general seats, PP, MQM and independent candidates were candidates of PTI, according to Election Commission sources, boycott of PTI. After the announcement, Sindh senators will be elected unopposed.


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PTI,Sindh senate,Sindh Senate,PTI boycott