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HomeScience and TechnologyThe invention of the camera that turns the picture into poetry

The invention of the camera that turns the picture into poetry

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The invention of the camera that turns the picture into poetry

Scientists have created a camera using artificial intelligence that can transform an ordinary photo into poetry. This camera called ‘Poet’s Camera’ will be able to transform ordinary photos and attractive scenes into poetry with the help of AI.

According to reports, this ‘poet’s camera’ resembles a polarized camera. However, instead of capturing images like a traditional camera, the sensors in the camera analyze the captured scenes and transform them into poetic expressions.

Mounted in the camera patch is a single-board computer with image recognition capabilities. By analyzing mirrored scenes and identifying differences in color, background and emotion in the image, artificial intelligence provides lyrics that reflect the essence of the scene, which are then printed onto the image.

According to the camera’s creators, the device’s open-source code gives the camera the ability to write in other styles of writing, such as free verse and prose, in addition to poetry.

For more updates and exciting news, you can visit the ABC Express website.

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