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HomeScience and TechnologyWhatsApp in-app dialer feature is in progress 2024 Upcoming Update

WhatsApp in-app dialer feature is in progress 2024 Upcoming Update

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WhatsApp in-app dialer feature is in progress

California: Instant messaging application WhatsApp is working on a in-app dialer feature that will allow users to access the in-app dialer and make voice calls.

As reported by WhatsApp Beta Info, this feature is currently under development and the feature is not available for those signed up to the Google Play beta program.

However, the dialer process is still vague. It is hoped that this feature will help users to call people whose numbers are not present in the contact list.

The feature is currently not available to beta testers in version of the WhatsApp beta for Android, but is expected to be rolled out with updates in the coming weeks, reports WhatsApp Beta Info.

The report shared a screenshot of the feature, which is yet to be enabled in the latest beta version.

In the image shared, a dial pad can be seen with a green calling sign and numbers and letters written as they are usually written on a dial pad.

Advantages of WhatsApp in-app dialer 

Here are some advantages of the in-app dialer feature that WhatsApp is working on:

  • Convenience: You won’t need to switch between apps to make a call. You can initiate calls directly within WhatsApp, streamlining communication flow.

  • Easier contact with unsaved numbers: No more saving temporary contacts! This is especially useful for one-time calls to businesses, delivery services, or acquaintances.

  • Potential cost savings: Making calls over WiFi or data might be cheaper than traditional phone calls, particularly for international calls.

  • Improved efficiency: The in-app dialer could potentially integrate with existing WhatsApp features, allowing you to quickly call someone from a chat thread.

FAQ: WhatsApp In-App Dialer (Coming Soon!)


Q: Is there an in-app dialer coming to WhatsApp?
A: Yes! We’re currently developing an in-app dialer feature to make calling within WhatsApp even more convenient.

Q: When will the in-app dialer be available?
A: We don’t have an exact release date yet, but we’re working hard to bring it to you soon.


Q: How will the in-app dialer work?
A: The exact functionality is still under development, but you’ll likely be able to initiate calls directly from your chat threads or contact list.

Q: Will I be able to use the in-app dialer for calls to unsaved numbers?
A: We expect so! This would be a great way to make one-time calls to businesses, delivery services, or acquaintances.

Q: Can I use the in-app dialer for video calls?
A: We can’t confirm yet, but it’s a possibility we’re exploring.


* **Q: What are the advantages of using the in-app dialer?
* A: There are several benefits! Here are a few:
* Convenience: No need to switch between apps to make a call.
* Efficiency: Potentially integrates with chat threads for quick calling.
* Cost-savings: Calls over WiFi or data may be cheaper than traditional calls.

Stay Updated

Q: How can I stay informed about the in-app dialer launch?
A: Keep an eye on the WhatsApp blog and social media channels for updates!

For more updates and exciting news, you can visit the ABC Express website.

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