Security Forces Operation, 3 Terrorists Killed, Major Shaheed

Security Forces Operation, 3 Terrorists Killed, Major Shaheed
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Security Forces Operation, 3 Terrorists Killed, Major Shaheed

3 terrorists were killed in an operation carried out by security forces based on secret information in Zhob district of Balochistan.

According to ISPR, security forces conducted an intelligence operation in Sambaza area of ​​Zhob district.

According to ISPR, Major Babar Khan, who was leading the operation, was martyred in the fierce exchange of fire while 3 terrorists were killed.

According to ISPR, 33-year-old Shaheed Major Babar Khan belongs to Mianwali, such sacrifices of brave soldiers strengthen our resolve.

The security forces tracked down the whereabouts of the terrorists effectively, arms, ammunition and explosives were recovered from the dead terrorists.

According to ISPR, a clearance operation is underway to eliminate other possible terrorists in the area.

According to ISPR, the security forces are determined to thwart attempts to sabotage the peace and development of Balochistan.

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