Sessions Judge on leave today

Sessions Judge on leave today
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Sessions Judge on leave today

—File photo

The District and Sessions Court of Islamabad came to hear the appeals against the conviction of PTI founder and Bushra Bibi in the Duran-i-Idt Nikah case. The PTI lawyers were informed by the court staff about the departure of Sessions Judge Shahrukh Arjamand today.

The advocates of the complainant requested to adjourn the hearing till May 25.

On this occasion, the lawyer of PTI founder and Bushra Bibi Sardar Busy said that they deliberately want to delay the appeals.

Senior lawyers of PTI have directed to request that the hearing be fixed tomorrow, said lawyer Yasir Kiyani.

Lawyer Murtaza Turi told the court that our lawyers come from Lahore to Islamabad for specific cases, PTI lawyers are still available today, they will be available tomorrow.

The PTI lawyers requested the court staff to adjourn the hearing until Salman Akram Raja reaches the court.

The court staff replied that there were instructions from the judge to fix the hearing on Tuesday.

The court staff adjourned the hearing till May 14.

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