Terrorism, Facilitators must be eradicated

Terrorism, Facilitators must be eradicated
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Terrorism, Facilitators must be eradicated

Some linguistic organizations have been involved in most of the killings of non-locals in Balochistan. Photo: File

Terrorists shot and killed seven laborers in Gwadar, who are said to be from Khanewal district. The workers were sleeping in a residential quarter near Fish Harbor Jetty in Sarbandar area.

Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Sarfraz Bugti has said that the killing of innocent laborers in Gwadar is open terrorism, terrorists and their facilitators will be pursued till their elimination.

Some linguistic organizations have been involved in most of the killings of non-locals in Balochistan. The cause of tension here is many elements and forces that are not patriotic. Organizations working on Indian signals are also involved in the kidnapping and killing of people. India is not only backing the rebels of Balochistan but also providing them financial resources.

The center of Indian conspiracies are the border areas of Afghanistan and Iran, where Baloch youths are misled and used against Pakistan. Some elements are in touch with the CIA and India and occasionally intrude across the border. The propagandist mind wants to achieve terrorism and other dangerous ambitions by inciting the innocent Baloch youth against Pakistan.

The main reason for the increase in terrorist incidents in Balochistan in the last few months is China’s investment of billions of dollars in the second phase of CPEC in Pakistan. Which has blown the sleep of many countries including America. With this investment, work has started on a big and important project under the Pakistan-China Economic Corridor, which will start from Gwadar port in Balochistan and reach China through the Karakoram Silk Road.

Apparently, this project is being made for commercial purposes between the two countries, but the fact is that about 60 countries of the world, including Central Asian countries, will benefit from this project, and in addition, Balochistan has vast reserves of the world’s best 43 minerals. are also present. Many more deep ports like Gwadar can be built in Balochistan.

On the other hand, Pakistan has been carrying the burden of 3 million Afghan refugees for the past 35 years. Foreign agencies are taking advantage of this situation. Pakistan is repeatedly drawing the attention of the international community towards this and wants the Afghan refugees to return to their country with honor and dignity and to play their role in the development and prosperity of their country. Pakistan believes that a strong and prosperous Afghanistan is very beneficial for the entire region and Pakistan.

Here the question arises, why has Balochistan been chosen for terrorism? And what advantages does the enemy want to gain from this area? All these questions have been answered by the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi himself, see the files of the newspapers, read the statements of the Indian extremist leaders and even if you read the speeches of Narendra Modi, you will find Balochistan mentioned very clearly.

His speeches regarding India’s role in the creation of Bangladesh and the destabilization of Pakistan leave no need for research. Pakistan has solid evidence that Indian intelligence agency Raw (RAW) and Afghan agency (NDS) are involved in terrorism in Pakistan.

The Taliban are also involved in terrorist activities in Balochistan, but unfortunately, no cooperation has come from Afghanistan in this regard and these terrorists are carrying out subversive activities in Pakistan as tools of various names and organizations. They are trying unsuccessfully to destroy the peace of the region.

Although continuous operations have to be done to eliminate terrorism, terrorism is not a problem that can be solved only by conducting operations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to analyze it realistically and scientifically, and it is necessary that the country’s institutions keep their eyes open at all times, what is happening in the country and where are these organizations heading now?

Apart from this, it should also be taken into account that negotiating with only one or two terrorist organizations will not solve this problem, nor can peace be established by making agreements with them. There are twenty organizations of terrorists and they form alliances with each other and break alliances when necessary. The boundaries between these organizations are not clear, if the government makes an agreement or reconciliation with one organization, many of its terrorists will switch to another organization and the problem will remain the same.

Terrorism is a problem that needs to be constantly evaluated and studied. Everyone from the highly educated to the less educated can be affected by this mindset. This thinking is also trapping people in western countries and Pakistan and other Muslim countries are also falling victim to it.

Although twenty such organizations have been established in the past several decades and these organizations have been uniting with each other many times in the past and the importance of some groups has decreased considerably, but still such new organizations have come into existence and started their operations. are starting. Such organizations look to past organizations as their models and to some extent follow them.

Therefore, it is very important to study the history of these types of organizations to combat extremism in this era. Operations have to be done to treat this kind of extremism, but it will not be possible to eradicate them completely until the ideas spread by them are rejected. And for this it will be necessary to first correct the history taught in schools, colleges and universities. The war against terrorism is not limited to the military. This is a complex war, not against an enemy country on the border but against an enemy within.

It is also difficult to recognize the enemy, his appearance, appearance, language and speech are not different from ours. The more difficult thing is that the enemy also has facilitators from within, there are also those who consider him as Mujahideen. As long as there are ideological energy providers of terrorism in the country, there are nurseries tending to them, who fill the people with ammo, it is very difficult to win this war. Hence the arrangement of these intellectual commanders, facilitators and nurseries. It should be part of the war strategy, it can be dismantled with the same enthusiasm with which this warrior and culture was created.

Those who have fulfilled the duty of promoting this culture, they can clarify the difference between jihad and terrorism. They can tell who was benefited by those who made Jihad a riot, whose agenda was advanced by those who killed thousands of innocent people and those who destroyed peace and order.

We had expectations from the current Kabul administration of the Taliban to play a role in the establishment of peace in Pakistan and the region, as a result of Pakistan’s effective role in the peace process between the United States and the Taliban, the United States withdrew from Afghanistan. The withdrawal and the Taliban’s return to power paved the way, but instead of a breath of fresh air, we started receiving messages of the worst kind of hostility through which not only the ridicule of Pakistan was organized but also terror. Kidneys were also allowed to enter Pakistan. Therefore, for the last two years, we have been exposed to the incidents of terrorists entering Pakistan from Afghanistan.

It was decided to deport the foreign residents living illegally in Pakistan, in which the majority are Afghan refugees living in Pakistan for the past 45 years, some of whom are involved in illegal business, extortion and terrorism. were

On this decision of Pakistan, there was a strong reaction from the Kabul administration and there was an indication of resistance to this decision. It is necessary to find out the motives and motives behind these incidents of terrorism on a solid basis through a comprehensive investigation and if any weaknesses are identified in our strategy in this regard, then it should be rectified first so that the country The enemies and ill-wishers of the country could not get a chance to create more chaos in the country through open terrorism.

Terrorism, Facilitators must be eradicated