The federal cabinet will review the investigation into the wheat scandal today

The federal cabinet will review the investigation into the wheat scandal today
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The federal cabinet will review the investigation into the wheat scandal today

The federal cabinet meeting will be held today under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif – file photo

The Federal Cabinet meeting under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif will be held today in the federal capital Islamabad, in which the investigation into the wheat import scandal will be reviewed.

A report is likely to be presented by the committee set up regarding the wheat scandal in the meeting.

The federal cabinet meeting will also discuss the country’s economic situation, the approval of the ECC decisions and the 7-point agenda will also be considered.

The agenda also includes the approval of allowing private airlines to operate foreign flights, forming a joint committee to promote trade with Cambodia.

The transfer of the Directorate General Special Education from the Ministry of Human Rights to the Ministry of Education is also part of the agenda of the Cabinet meeting.

In the meeting of the federal cabinet, the agreement on the exchange of prisoners with Britain and Ireland and the issue of deployment of sensitive institutions in Balochistan will also be considered.

The approval of the agreement between the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the Ministry of Islamic Affairs of Saudi Arabia is also part of the agenda of the cabinet meeting.

The federal cabinet will also review the implementation of the decisions of the previous meeting.

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