The purpose of terrorist attacks in Pakistan is to damage economic development, the spokesperson of Pakistan Army

The purpose of terrorist attacks in Pakistan is to damage economic development, the spokesperson of Pakistan Army
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The purpose of terrorist attacks in Pakistan is to damage economic development, the spokesperson of Pakistan Army


Spokesman of Pakistan Army Major General Ahmed Sharif has said that TTP terrorists are doing terrorism in Pakistan from Afghan soil, the purpose of terrorist attacks in Pakistan is to damage economic development.

DG ISPR Major General Ahmad Sharif Chaudhry said in a press conference in Rawalpindi that there is concrete evidence that TTP is using Afghan soil for terrorism in Pakistan. Action against sanctuaries, will go to any extent to suppress terrorists and their facilitators, the first priority of the army is to establish peace in the country.

He said that the links of suicide attack on Chinese engineers are also found across the border, this attack was planned in Afghanistan, terrorists and facilitators were being controlled from Afghanistan, the purpose of terrorist attacks in Pakistan is economic. Development is harmed.

He said that the attack on Gwadar Port Authority Colony was thwarted by army personnel, 8 terrorists were killed, the failed acts of terrorism are evidence that the forces are thwarting the intentions of the enemy.

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