The US will provide an additional $2 billion in military aid to Ukraine

The US will provide an additional  billion in military aid to Ukraine
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The US will provide an additional $2 billion in military aid to Ukraine

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The United States will provide another $2 billion in military aid to Ukraine, US Secretary of State Anthony Blanken says the new aid comes at a critical time.

They say that missiles, ammunition, military vehicles are being delivered to Ukraine soon to be delivered to the front lines.

In a joint press conference with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kaliba in the capital Kiev, Antony Blanken further said that Patriot missiles and other air defense systems will be delivered to Ukraine soon.

He said that the Americans do not encourage attacks in Russia with weapons, this decision must be made by Ukraine itself.

If Russian President Putin is serious about talks, Ukraine will also be ready for it. China is concerned about the support of the Russian defense industry.

He said that Russia will impose restrictions on companies involved in Chinese support for the defense industry.

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