WhatsApp now allows you to pin up to three messages in chats

    WhatsApp to let you pin up to three messages in chats
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    WhatsApp now allows users to pin up to three messages within a conversation, including media or polls, for quick access to important information. The pinned messages can remain at the top of the chat for 24 hours, 7 days, or a month. The chat banner will display how many messages are pinned, with the most recent at the top. Users can easily pin and unpin messages by selecting the message and choosing ‘pin’ from the drop-down menu. This feature will make it easier for users to find and access important messages within their chats.

    WhatsApp to let you pin up to three messages in chats

    WhatsApp has made it easier for users to pin important messages in chats, with quick access to information. According to Meta Chief Mark Zuckerberg, users can pin up to three messages from within a conversation, from the previous pinned message feature.

    WhatsApp will not only let users pin messages, but even media or polls, that can stay at the top of the chat for 24 hours, 7 days, or even a whole month. If one message is pinned, it will show up as the chat banner, but if there are more than one, then the banner will display how many messages have been pinned, with the most recent appearing at the top.

    To pin messages, users will simply have to press the message and select ‘pin’ from the drop-down options displayed, along with selecting the duration the message needs to be pinned for. Messages can be unpinned the same way.

    WhatsApp’s new pinning feature has been designed to enhance user experience and make it easier for users to access important information in their conversations. This feature allows users to pin messages, media, or polls at the top of their chat for easy reference.

    How to Pin a Message on WhatsApp

    To pin a message on WhatsApp, follow these simple steps:

    1. Select the message you want to pin in the chat.
    2. Tap on the message to open the drop-down menu.
    3. Select ‘Pin’ from the options displayed.
    4. Choose the duration for which you want the message to be pinned: 24 hours, 7 days, or a month.

    Managing Pinned Messages

    You can manage your pinned messages by following these steps:

    1. To unpin a message, simply tap on the pinned message and select ‘Unpin’ from the options.
    2. If you have multiple pinned messages, WhatsApp will display the total number of pinned messages in the chat banner.
    3. The most recent pinned message will appear at the top of the chat.

    With this new feature, WhatsApp users can now keep important messages, media, or polls at the forefront of their conversations, ensuring they never miss out on vital information. Whether it’s a reminder from a friend, a picture worth keeping, or a poll that needs attention, pinning messages on WhatsApp makes it easier than ever to stay organized.

    Benefits of Pinning Messages on WhatsApp

    There are several benefits to pinning messages on WhatsApp:

    • Quick access to important information.
    • Easy organization of chat content.
    • Reduced chances of missing crucial messages.
    • Customizable duration for pinned messages.

    By taking advantage of WhatsApp’s pinning feature, users can streamline their conversations and ensure that key messages are always at their fingertips. Whether it’s a work-related update, a personal reminder, or a fun media file, pinning messages on WhatsApp is a simple yet powerful way to stay on top of your chats.

    For more information on WhatsApp’s new pinning feature, visit The Express Tribune.