Why are people afraid of eating watermelon?

Why are people afraid of eating watermelon?
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Why are people afraid of eating watermelon?

Watermelon is the most favorite fruit of fasting people during the month of Ramadan, which provides sweetness as well as quenches thirst and has many medical benefits.

Watermelon is a refreshing and delicious fruit, people usually like to eat it during Ramadan while some people like its juice, but nowadays customers are scared to buy and eat it?

According to the report of the British broadcasting organization BBC, you will also be surprised to know the reasons why people are afraid of eating watermelon in Occupied Kashmir these days.


In this regard, the residents of Kashmir say that there is some adulteration in watermelon, so we are afraid to buy it and when the fruit itself becomes harmful to our health, what should we do?

Fruit sellers sitting in the bazaars of Kashmir who have decorated their shops and stalls with bright red, sweet and juicy watermelons but there are no customers to buy them.

This situation is all due to a misinformed tweet by a local doctor, which caused people to stop buying watermelons.

A doctor from Occupied Kashmir wrote a message on X to avoid unseasoned watermelons that have been artificially cooked with various harmful drugs and spices and are being injected with dyes that pose a risk of cancer.

Kashmir Kashmir

After this tweet, the market of rumors got heated and people boycotted watermelons as a precautionary measure and it got to the point where the business had to be taken over by hundreds of people associated with it.

In this regard, the Deputy Commissioner of Food and Safety Department of Occupied Kashmir, Shagofa Jalal, while giving a briefing to media representatives, said that according to the laboratory test, the watermelon is healthy and germ-free in all respects. No defects were found in them and they are safe to eat.


For More Detail urdu.arynews.tv

Beneficial or harmful,Watermelon,The BBC,watermelon,Occupied Kashmir