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Why is tooth brushing harmful? Know with reason

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Why is tooth brushing harmful? Know with reason

The habit of brushing the teeth with a brush is put by the parents from the time when the height of the child does not reach the wash basin properly, which is also quite correct.

But do you know that this method of cleaning the teeth is not very good, in this regard, a statement by British dentist Dr. Shadi Manochhari caused a stir.

A foreign news agency According to the report Dr. Shadi Manochhari, Clinical Director of Smart Dental Esthetics and Director of the London School of Facial Esthetics, has sparked an online debate in which she says there are three situations when brushing is extremely harmful.

Tips from a renowned dentist are going viral on the internet these days, Dr. Manochhari said that there are some situations in which brushing teeth can actually prevent damage.

He added that there is only one cause that is the same in all three conditions and that is the level of acidity in the mouth i.e. pH.


Vomiting means after vomiting

He said that do not brush your teeth after vomiting, the material coming from the stomach is acidic. So if you brush your teeth immediately after vomiting, you’re essentially rubbing the acid onto your teeth, which can damage them.

He said that teeth are minerals and acid destroys minerals, this acidity will be removed naturally through saliva and it may take about 30 to 60 minutes.


Immediately after eating

According to Dr. Manochhari, the same is true after eating. Whatever we eat, be it breakfast, lunch, or snacks, the bacteria on your teeth metabolize it and turn it into acid. are


After eating something sweet

As for sweet things like sweets or sweet drinks, these sweets are also used as food by the natural bacteria on our teeth.

Although this process does result in acidity, give the saliva time to neutralize the acidity naturally.


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Why is tooth brushing harmful? Know with reason

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