An act worse than intervention is murder, did he stop? Chief Justice

 An act worse than intervention is murder, did he stop?  Chief Justice
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An act worse than intervention is murder, did he stop? Chief Justice

The Supreme Court Bar Association submitted its suggestions during the hearing of the letter of 6 judges of the Islamabad High Court in the Supreme Court of Pakistan.

A 6-member larger bench headed by Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa is hearing the suo motu notice.

Justice Mansoor Ali Shah, Justice Jamal Khan Mandukhel, Justice Athar Manullah, Justice Musrat Hilali, Justice Naeem Akhtar are part of the Afghan Larger Bench.

Attorney General Mansoor Usman Awan told the court that the written order of the previous hearing has not yet been received, it is necessary to show the order to the Prime Minister to file the government’s reply.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa asked the staff whether the decree was signed, if not, why not? The decree was written in open court.

Attorney General Mansoor Usman Awan said that if the order is received today, the government will file its response by tomorrow.

During the hearing, lawyers from various bars also appeared in the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Bar Suggestions

The Supreme Court Bar Association also submitted suggestions to the Supreme Court.

The Supreme Court Bar has said in its proposals that the Supreme Court Bar will never compromise on the independence of the judiciary, there should be investigations against those who interfere in the judiciary, there is a complete code of conduct regarding the responsibilities and protection of judges, Islam. Abad High Court has the power of contempt of court, Islamabad High Court should have taken contempt of court action for any kind of interference, it is beyond comprehension for the High Court not to take contempt of court action, Islamabad High Court. The judges mentioned the events of last year in the letter, leaking the letter of the judges to the media also raises questions. The Supreme Judicial Council should be informed.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa asked how much time the Islamabad Bar and Karachi Bar Association will take, is there any other organization that is present here, those who have come individually should also tell theirs, Attorney General! You read this order, give them the original order.

On the direction of the court, the Attorney General read the order in the Supreme Court.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that 3 signatures on the order have not been done yet.

A copy of the order was given to the judges in the court room to sign.

Justice Mansoor Ali Shah asked the Attorney General that you will need time?

Attorney General Mansoor Usman Awan requested to give me time till tomorrow.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa asked who would like to give arguments today?

A lawyer from the Islamabad High Court Bar Association came to the rostrum and said that we will take 45 minutes, during which time we will complete our arguments.

Khawaja Ahmad Hussain appeared on behalf of Aitzaz Ahsan.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that we will listen to lawyers’ organizations first, this case is going on for a long time.

Justice Athar Minullah read the part of the order under which the federal government had to respond.

He read part of the order to respond to the federal government’s response to the interference of the intelligence agencies in the judiciary.

Lawyer Hamid Khan of Lahore, Balochistan High Court Bar and Balochistan Bar Council also appeared in the court and sought 1 hour time for arguments.

Supreme Court Bar President Shehzad Shaukat also asked for half an hour for arguments.

Additional Secretary Supreme Court Bar Shehbaz Khosa told the court that a separate application has been filed in personal capacity, the executive committee meeting was held last night.

Supreme Court Bar President Shehzad Shaukat said that I don’t know why you want to advertise yourself.

Additional Secretary Supreme Court Bar Shehbaz Khosa said that I do not want any publicity.

It is surprising that there are so many lawyers but they cannot come on one page: Chief Justice

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that it is surprising that there are so many lawyers but they cannot come on one page, it is surprising that lawyers cannot come on one page even for the independence of the judiciary, Pakistan starts from the Bar Council, every The person is saying that he has to speak.

Justice Athar Minullah said that I did not suggest to do it individually, I was suggesting to hold a meeting of a body, the opposition is an important part of a democratic institution, Parliament.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that a respected judge wrote an additional note, read it too.

Justice Athar Minullah wrote an additional note, he said that I want to apologize, my writing is not good.

Justice Musrat Hilali said that the writing is really not good.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa addressed former President Abid Zubiri and said that we will not make any private person a party. Courts are big organizations, when the goal is one, they are one, Bismillah, we listen.

Arguments of the representative of the Pakistan Bar Council

The representative of Pakistan Bar Council read the letter of the judges while starting the arguments and said that the judges have sought guidance from the Supreme Judicial Council.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that it is not necessary to listen to everyone. No, an independent judiciary is everyone’s goal.

A representative of the Pakistan Bar Council said that the judges have made very serious allegations.

In the note, the federal government should satisfy, not interfere: Justice Athar

Justice Athar Minullah said that it is written in the note that the responsibility of the federal government is to satisfy, not interfere.

Justice Naeem Akhtar Afghan said that this is also in paragraph 5 of the original order.

Justice Athar Minullah said that this paragraph was only about asking for suggestions.

The representative of Pakistan Bar Council said that the Pakistan Bar Council formed a judicial commission consisting of judges of the Supreme Court, serious allegations have been made in the letter of the judges, all serious allegations should be investigated, the serving judge or judges to investigate the allegations. A judicial commission should be formed, under Article 184/3 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court cannot conduct the investigation itself.

Justice Athar Minullah said that 6 judges have written in the letter that the process of interference is going on, all of them agree that the interference is taking place.

The intervention is happening, the government is not doing anything: Justice Jamal

Justice Jamal Khan Mandukhel said that interference is happening but the government is not doing anything.

Justice Athar Minullah said that all the High Courts have highlighted serious matters on political cases in their reports. At that time, the report of the Pakistan Bar Council had come. One of the High Courts said that the Constitution had been sabotaged. .

A representative of the Pakistan Bar Council said that action can be taken for insulting, interfering and scandalizing a judge under contempt of court.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that the Supreme Judicial Council is a separate body, I am the chairman of the Supreme Judicial Council but I am not the Supreme Judicial Council myself, there are other members in the Supreme Judicial Council.

Justice Athar Minullah said that a high court said that it is like sabotaging the constitution, it is not a letter of 6 judges, it is a process that did not end with the dharna decision, nor with any other action, Attorney General. He said that this happened in 2018 as well, it is not just a letter of 6 judges, he pointed out, it reflects a trend, everyone knows that these things happen, this trend does not end with the dharna verdict and other verdicts. It happened, we have lied for 76 years, hidden the truth, should deterrence be made to stop it? You expect this from High Court Judges, we all have been High Court Judges.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa asked whether you want an investigation or not? I have to keep saying move on because there are other people.

Justice Athar Minullah said that you expect a judge to do what the Supreme Court cannot do, the reality is very different, we all know what the reality is, there are judges of the High Court, they cannot say wrong, Pakistan Bar. did not formulate their recommendations after seeing the suggestions of the High Court judges, the biggest challenge of the High Courts in 2018/19 was the silence of the Supreme Court on the issues, the challenge of the independent judges of the High Court in 2017 and 2018 was the challenge of the Supreme Court. It was being done with collusion, everyone is agreeing that there is interference, tell the remedy that the High Court judges have said.

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that we will deduct the time spent by the judges from the lawyer’s time.

Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that we should be told the process so that we do not need anyone to stop the interference.

Ahsan Bhavan said that this has been happening for 77 years.

Justice Jamal Mandukhel said that now enough is enough.

An act worse than intervention is murder, did he stop? Chief Justice

Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faiz Isa said that murder is worse than contempt of court and interference. Since when is killing prohibited, has it stopped? Societies exist, people exist, these things go on.

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