Crackdown in Balochistan on Handi Handi and Electricity Theft

Crackdown in Balochistan on Handi Handi and Electricity Theft
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Crackdown in Balochistan on Handi Handi and Electricity Theft

Quetta: FIA has arrested 20 accused during the operation against piracy and electricity theft in the province, 54 cases have been registered, electricity theft worth 3 crore has been caught, 2 crore 91 lakh rupees have been recovered.

According to Express News, the FIA ​​Balochistan zone is conducting a crackdown against the elements involved in peddling, counterfeit medicines and electricity theft. Actions taken.

According to FIA, as a result of the raids, 67 inquiries and 54 cases were registered and 20 accused were arrested, a total of more than Rs.

Meters of 207 government institutions were checked for over-billing during one and a half months, total over-billing was revealed on two meters on which inquiries were registered.

For more updates and exciting news, you can visit the ABC Express website.