Diary of Europe with Supranationalism

Diary of Europe with Supranationalism
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Diary of Europe with Supranationalism

How is the literature of those who left their homeland? Once many articles on this subject passed my eye. It was found that as many conditions can be seen in retrospect, there are so many different layers of this kind of literature.

After reading Naseem Ahmad Bajwa’s column, I thought that if such conditions can find their way in literature, then why not in the column? The incident with the column has now happened that the one who has come to drag two or four lines, he has become a columnist otherwise the column published in the newspaper has been counted in the literature till now and the fact is that the newspaper of our elders. Literature created through columns; It met every standard of literature.

As far as the literature or columns coming from the pen of Bajwa Sahib is concerned, it is necessary to pay serious attention and understand what he tells us. Anas Tasia Cristo, a researcher and critic, has said very interesting things about the literature of those who left their homeland. According to him, such literature is full of strange and strange conditions.

She says the world-shattering memories, the trauma of missing out on so much, the sense of being different from the world they live in, and the resulting sense of their basic nationality and identity. Increased insistence is a hallmark of this literature. For this condition for which I have used the word sense, it would be more appropriate to use the word antipathy. The stubbornness of those who left their homeland is very romantic. Our Faiz Sahib has said about this

Dead heart, dead traveler
The order was issued again
That we are exiles
Give the street noises
Do Rukh Nagar Nagar, Ka
That no one can find a clue
A friend’s letter
Ask every stranger
Who knew about his home

This means that the literature of the exiles is not only nationalism, but something more. In terms of language, a short person like me does not have any Urdu recipe to express it, but if the help of English is taken, it will probably be called super-nationalism.

It is said that there are two types of super-nationalism. To understand these types, I once again turned to Anasi Tasia Christo. This lady talks in heavily philosophical terms, so I don’t have the courage to quote any of her sayings, so for the sake of convenience, I submit that we have seen a form of her recently. When something went against the will, we saw that some people insulted the national flag.

There were some people who tore up their passports and burnt them. It is known that if the civilization of super-nationalism is not developed, then the passion crosses all the boundaries and creates a matter of shame, but if the culture of this passion is developed, then it takes its high and holy form. What is this sacred form? I don’t think I need to work hard to make it look like that.

Europe’s diary is in our hands, read it. Bajwa Sahib will sometimes seem to give you a lesson in the style of a parrot story and sometimes he will directly tell you that brothers, take care of yourself, it is a new sink. That is to say, in this condition the spirit of construction is painfully awakened which we see in the diary of Europe.

Super-nationalism and how this state of pain and sincerity born from its path is created? I think that we will have to take help from Iqbal (peace be upon him) for his statement. He says

It is very difficult to give birth

This auspicious sentiment is also similar to the vision behind which visitors from the homeland, telephone, yesterday’s letter or today’s WhatsApp messages play a role. How are these messages made? Someone gave the example of a letter describing his situation which stated:

‘Grandfather has died, grandmother has fallen ill and aunt’s buffalo has been stolen. All else is goodness.’

Simply, this letter is a doomsday letter that lays a foundation of corruption that we have not yet been able to break. The writer gets rid of his responsibility by writing all the rest is good and thinks that the reader is wise, he has seen the world. After the few bad news given, one will automatically know that many good things will have happened in the house, but the simple person never knows that his loved one who has left home and settled in a foreign land. The matter is no longer the same as before, when one leaves the house, he goes to the camp, and if he leaves the camp, he goes to the fields, and from there he goes to the cowshed. His sorrows and preoccupations are different now. Your gestures confuse him. His flight of thoughts reaches far away and he is forced to think like Hazrat Dagh Dehlvi and starts asking.

Whose new greeting was in your letter?

In order not to be too symbolic, I am stating bluntly what our Bajwa Sahib emphasizes the most, that is, the presidential system. The arguments they put forward for this purpose are, to be honest, heart-wrenching because they reflect pain, but I think the message we’re getting from here is that everything else is good; What could have lifted the storm, has lifted.

If this half incomplete message has told that East Pakistan was separated, then this is the unintended presidential system behind it and if any accident happens in the future, God willing, it will also be responsible because it is such an ugly system. In which if someone gets support from the largest province of the country i.e. Punjab, he will not need to go to Balochistan, nor Sindh nor Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This system will leave our units not only in isolation but in extreme deprivation.

Diary of Europe with Supranationalism