Famine situation in Gaza, World Food Organization warned

Famine situation in Gaza, World Food Organization warned
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Famine situation in Gaza, World Food Organization warned

The World Food Organization has once again identified the threat of a possible famine in Gaza.

According to foreign media, the World Food Organization has recorded a record increase in the number of children suffering from malnutrition in northern Gaza.

The World Food Organization added that more than 70 percent of the population of northern Gaza is suffering from severe hunger, with one in three children under the age of two suffering from severe malnutrition.

On the other hand, the majority of Americans disapprove of Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

According to a new poll by US-based pollster Gallup, 55 percent of Americans oppose Israeli military action in Gaza, while only 36 percent approve.

Gallup concluded that this was a big change from November, when half of Americans approved of Israel’s actions in Gaza, and 45 percent disapproved.

Americans from both major political parties have been increasingly critical of Israel’s actions over the past four months.

According to polls, approval of Israel’s actions among Democrats has fallen 18 percent, while approval among Republicans has fallen 7 percent.


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