High-level talks on economic reforms between Pakistan and the World Bank

High-level talks on economic reforms between Pakistan and the World Bank
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High-level talks on economic reforms between Pakistan and the World Bank

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According to the Ministry of Economic Affairs, high-level discussions on economic reforms have taken place between Pakistan and the World Bank.

According to a statement from Islamabad, Pakistan and the World Bank have signed a long-term partnership.

According to the statement of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Prime Minister of Pakistan witnessed the signing ceremony. According to the declaration, work will be done on annual reviews and economic reform projects under the new partnership framework.

According to the declaration, it will include plans to expand economic reforms, energy and agricultural opportunities.

According to the statement, the Federal Minister of Economic Affairs had a meeting with the World Bank President for South Asia.

In the declaration of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, it was stated that the World Bank is willing to increase development cooperation in Pakistan. Pakistan and World Bank are committed to strengthen partnership in various development sectors.

According to the statement, the Minister of Economic Affairs expressed his gratitude for the support and cooperation of the World Bank. The top official of the World Bank expressed his satisfaction with the process of economic recovery of Pakistan.

Economic Affairs Minister Ahmed Cheema said that discussions were held on the new financing options of the World Bank for Pakistan.

According to the declaration, the World Bank emphasized the demand for the involvement of the private sector. Joint cooperation on climate change, energy, water and better employment was discussed.

According to the declaration, joint cooperation in the fields of human resources and agriculture was agreed. Economic Affairs Minister Ahmed Cheema informed the World Bank about important reforms in Pakistan.

According to the statement, World Bank Vice President for South Asia Martin Riser appreciated the efforts of the Government of Pakistan.

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