How to identify fake images, videos generated by AI?

How to identify fake images, videos generated by AI?
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How to identify fake images, videos generated by AI?

Fake videos and images created by artificial intelligence are becoming the biggest problem for people nowadays, after which it becomes very important to identify them.

The rise of AI technology and its misuse has resulted in an abundance of fake photos, videos and even audio online. Fake photos may seem harmless but they are used for online deception, false criminals, propaganda and election manipulation.

Here are some tips to help you avoid being fooled by AI-generated images or videos.

Fact-checkers and AI experts say that in an image, especially a human image, look at the fingers of his hand, where the number of fingers is not too many or too few. Also note the unbalanced lens of the lens.

Note the unnatural way people blink in fake videos, said Henry Ejder, founder of Latent Space Advisory and a leading expert on generative AI. Many AI fake photos of humans have a strange electronic glow that makes the skin look incredibly shiny.

However, Henry Edder cautioned that it can sometimes be overturned. So also check the harmony of shadows and highlights in the image. Often the person in the photo is in sharp focus and looks quite real, but the background elements of the photo are not as realistic or clear.

Also, if you suspect that a video of a person talking is fake, look at their lips. Do his lip movements match the audio or not? Also look at the teeth, are they clean or do they look dull?

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