Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi reached Quetta, met with Chief Minister Balochistan

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi reached Quetta, met with Chief Minister Balochistan
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Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi reached Quetta, met with Chief Minister Balochistan

Islamabad: Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi and Balochistan Chief Minister Sarfraz Bugti have met in Quetta in which they discussed about public order in the province.

According to Express News, Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi arrived at Chief Minister House Balochistan in Quetta where Chief Minister Sarfaraz Bugti welcomed him. An important meeting was held between Mohsin Naqvi and Sarfraz Bugti in which matters of mutual interest, the public order situation in the province and other important issues were discussed.

The Interior Minister assured the Chief Minister of all possible support for the improvement of the public order situation. Mohsin Naqvi said that all kinds of resources are present for Balochistan, Balochistan has a very important role in the journey of development, Baloch brothers are present to serve in every way.

The Chief Minister thanked Federal Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi for his cooperation for public order in the province and said that all resources are going to be used for peace and order in the province, Balochistan Interior Minister Zia Longo and Federal Interior Secretary Khurram Agha. were also present on this occasion.

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