PTI’s demand to form a judicial commission on May 9 incidents

PTI's demand to form a judicial commission on May 9 incidents
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PTI’s demand to form a judicial commission on May 9 incidents

Rawalpindi: PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar has said that we demand that a judicial commission be formed on May 9. The intention of the founder of PTI was not to spoil the relationship with America.

Talking to the media after meeting the PTI founder, he said that today he met the PTI founder in Adiala Jail, earlier Intar Panjhota was stopped and today Sher Afzal Marwat was not allowed to enter. TI is comforted by the Supreme Court’s order, confident that no party will be given more seats than won and we will get justice.

Barrister Gohar said that the founder PTI has also discussed the statement of Caretaker Prime Minister Anurul Haq Kakar, the first Commissioner Rawalpindi and now the former Caretaker Prime Minister has admitted Form 47, we request the judiciary that on the requests of the Election Commission After the hearing, make a bench on the rest of the petitions so that a decision can be made.

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Barrister Gauhar said that founder PTI has been told to meet the US ambassador, founder PTI has expressed satisfaction on meeting the US ambassador, we will hold a peaceful protest on May 9, all ticket holders will participate.

He said that the CCTV footage of May 9 has said? We demand that a judicial commission be formed on May 9. The intention of the founder PTI was not to spoil the relationship with the US.

To a question, he said that after reading the statement of DG ISPR, he will talk.

The journalist asked that on one hand you accuse the Americans of interference and on the other hand you meet the American ambassador and complain to him, to which Barrister Gauhar said that as far as the American interference is concerned, the matter was raised at the government level. It does not necessarily mean that you end your relations with a country like the United States, it does not mean that their ambassador ends daily affairs here, does not meet the leader of the opposition.

Barrister Gohar said that Asad Qaiser and I also participated in this meeting along with Umar Ayub, the leader of opposition is also from our party, the meeting with the American ambassador has nothing to do with the cipher issue.

Shoaib Shaheen said the CCTV footages on all incidents of May 9 are bad

Lawyer Shoaib Shaheen said that May 9 started with state coercion, Imran Khan was abducted by state agencies, on all incidents it was said that CCTV footage is bad, your CCTV footage only plays in the bedroom. , the establishment and PDM staged the May 9 drama.

The US ambassador himself expressed his desire for a meeting and informed the Ministry of External Affairs, Salman Akram Raja

Earlier in a conversation with the media, PTI’s lawyer Salman Akram Raja has said that the American ambassador wrote a letter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and after that he came and met the PTI leadership.

He said that our appeals are not being heard, but in any case, we are connected with the judiciary and there is no other way, we will also support the judiciary.

To the journalist’s question, he said that the meeting of the American ambassador with the PTI leadership is welcome. The American ambassador himself expressed his desire for this meeting. That you should meet him later came to the assembly and this meeting took place, the American ambassador met the Speaker and Umar Ayub.

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