Judges should follow the law instead of being influenced by someone, Justice Athar Minullah

Judges should follow the law instead of being influenced by someone, Justice Athar Minullah
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Judges should follow the law instead of being influenced by someone, Justice Athar Minullah

Photo: Express Web

Islamabad: Supreme Court judge Justice Athar Manullah has said that judges should be clear that they are not subordinate to anyone.

Addressing the judges of the District Judiciary at the Federal Judicial Academy, Justice Athar Manullah further said that the judges should follow the law instead of being influenced by anyone, only an independent judge can ensure a transparent trial.

He said that judges should be completely independent because only independent judges can lead to public confidence in the judiciary, the training of judges should be such that they consider themselves independent.

He said that judges should be independent at the individual and institutional level, the concept of an independent judiciary is impossible without independent judges, judges should follow the code of conduct given by Imam Abu Hanifa.

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