Mustafa Expressed Dismay Over Negligence To Cleanliness Of Parliament Lodges

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Mustafa Expressed Dismay Over Negligence To Cleanliness Of Parliament Lodges

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News – 28th Mar, 2024) Deputy Speaker National Assembly Syed Ghulam Mustafa Shah has stressed to ensure austerity and quality during the maintenance of Parliament lodges and hostels of members of the National Assembly (MNAs).

Ghulam Mustafa also said that every possible measure should be ensured to utilize the public money keeping in view the long term utility and durability.

He expressed these views during his meeting with senior officers of the Capital Development Authority (CDA).

He also expressed his dismay over the negligence of cleanliness and poor quality maintenance in Parliament Lodges and MNAs hostel.

While taking notice of the issues of allotments Ghulam Mustafa directed to prepare a uniform and smooth policy for smooth allotments and maintenance of Parliament Lodges.

He also said that ensuring the same parameters in maintaining Parliament Lodges would save the public money.

Mustafa Shah directed CDA to follow quality standards in terms of durability and the best use of public money.

The meeting was attended by senior officers of the CDA and National Assembly Secretariat.

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