Order to decide within 10 days on PTI’s request to hold rally in Karachi

Order to decide within 10 days on PTI’s request to hold rally in Karachi
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Order to decide within 10 days on PTI’s request to hold rally in Karachi

—File photo

The Sindh High Court, while hearing the petition against not allowing Tehreek-e-Insaf to hold a rally in Karachi, ordered the relevant institutions to take a decision on the PTI’s request within 10 days.

Chief Justice Sindh High Court Aqeel Ahmad Abbasi heard the petition of Tehreek-e-Insaf.

During the hearing, Sindh Home Department and Deputy Commissioner East submitted the report to the court.

A confidential report was also submitted in the court on behalf of Deputy Commissioner Sharqi.

Chief Justice of Sindh High Court Aqeel Ahmad Abbasi gave strong remarks on not allowing the rally and said that there are terrorist groups, so-and-so, this is the reason for stopping it? Burst firecrackers whenever you want, do whatever you want, in the same situation, other people went to the rally. Is this what you guys wanted? Is this your democracy? How long will this last? Those who are non-Muslims also have the same belief that they should go on the day they want to go, go as far as you can bear, sit in cold rooms and stand outside with 50, 60 guards, they can say all this. The national interest is to protect the constitution, it will not work now if you bring a report and stop it, if you want to ban them completely, then bring a petition, if the law allows, then we will order to ban them immediately. Gaye, institutions and all the agencies sat that how to stop the rally? The second meeting took place and everyone was sleeping. Who are the terrorists who want to attack them? Ever since the country was formed, we have been hearing that the country is in danger. Take the country out of this danger once and for all. If you want to be civilized, make a law for everyone. Other people have gathered and gone, right? They say that permission is not taken, someone can do something without your permission? We have nothing to do with any party, adhan is being called, it has also been proved that we have nothing to do with anyone, sit down and review and allow them to hold the rally, don’t take us there to make us very strict. They have to give orders, they are giving reports like children that so-and-so said this, so-and-so said that, all those who are giving these reports will not stay in office forever.

The court rejected the report of Sindh Home Department and Deputy Commissioner East.

Chief Justice Sindh High Court Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi ordered that there is no justification for not allowing the rally, the relevant authorities should decide on the request of PTI within 10 days, if possible, the rally should be allowed at an alternative location with the consent of the parties. Come on, it’s very easy to talk against the judiciary, you all are behind it, it’s very easy to campaign against the judiciary on social media, you should do things in such a way that the court does not give judgments against you, are these aliens in this country? Not a citizen of? Say that there are aliens, the child knows who is fighting, how long will you people conduct things like this? Assembly is their right, if they do harassment, action should be taken according to law.

The court asked the Additional Secretary Home that what was the report of the meeting that was held on May 2?

Chief Justice Sindh High Court Aqeel Ahmed Abbasi inquired that where were you when this meeting was held? Sorry, the incompetence of all the agencies is reflected in the report, the same will continue for the next 50 years, impose curfew and deliver ration to people’s homes, what do they think is the national interest? National interest belongs to the people or individuals, this is not the case of war between India and Pakistan, is it?

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