Secret agency was tasked to eradicate corruption from FBR

Secret agency was tasked to eradicate corruption from FBR
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Secret agency was tasked to eradicate corruption from FBR

Islamabad: The government has given the secret agency the task of collecting information of employees from FBR to eradicate corruption.

It has been decided to re-activate the Integrity Management Cell established in the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) and its subsidiaries to eliminate corruption and appoint persons of good reputation to important posts.

In this regard, the Prime Minister’s Secretariat has also sought a report from the FBR regarding the performance of the Integrity Management Unit, while the Civil Intelligence Agency, Kotasak, has been given information about the employees of the FBR and its subsidiaries. The intelligence agency has started taking information from employees’ offices and relatives.

In this regard, a senior officer of the Federal Board of Revenue told Express that an Integrity Management Cell (IMC) was established at the FBR headquarters in 2019. I was to investigate the corruption complaints of the employees and officers and prepare the lists of officers with good reputation and provide them to the FBR administration so that competent and honest officers with good reputation are appointed in important and sensitive positions.

Sources say that this cell was suffering from slowness for some time. After assuming power, the new government has decided to activate this cell again and on the instructions of Prime Minister Mian Shahbaz Sharif, the Integrity Management Cell established at the FBR headquarters is being activated and this cell has been set up for the Prime Minister’s Secretariat. A performance report is also being prepared.

Sources say that this report will soon be sent to the Prime Minister’s Secretariat, after which a special briefing will be given to the Prime Minister in this regard. Sources say that the Integrity Management Unit established at the FBR headquarters has so far punished a total of 12 employees and officers of the FBR and its subsidiaries for corruption.

According to the sources, before the appointments to the most important positions in the Federal Board of Revenue, the agency has also given the task to the Civil Intelligence Agency to get the relevant details and this agency will prepare the report of the officers. The intelligence agency has started collecting information about Grade 19, 20 and 21 employees.

Information about the financial honesty and professional performance of the officers is being taken which also checks where and for how long an officer has been posted and where the officer has been posted and his scope during the period of posting. What was the revenue position in the car or options.

Sources say that after getting the information, the employees will be placed in 3 categories A, B and C. Category A and B officers will be given postings according to the report whereas category C employees will not be given important responsibilities.

Apart from this, the officers in category C can also be dismissed from the job. Future development will also be done with the help of the same reports. Sources say that the report of the intelligence agency officers and the report of the integrity management cell established in the FBR will also be used for the appointments and transfers of officers.

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