The draft of the Digital Rights Protection Authority has been approved by the Federal Cabinet

The draft of the Digital Rights Protection Authority has been approved by the Federal Cabinet
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The draft of the Digital Rights Protection Authority has been approved by the Federal Cabinet

The Federal Cabinet approved the draft of the Digital Rights Protection Authority.

The Cybercrime Investigation Authority will be able to use the powers and resources of the police and the FIA, the authority will be empowered to seize the property of any criminal.

The federal government will be able to form a joint investigation team on any cyber case, the punishment under section 8 of cybercrime has been increased from 3 years to 7 years.

According to sources, the draft has proposed a 5-year sentence for using virtual or cryptocurrency without the permission of the State Bank.

According to the sources, the draft of the Digital Rights Protection Authority has proposed to increase the punishment from 3 years to 7 years for using someone’s identity information without permission.

According to sources, Section 8 of the PICA Act 2024 deals with interference with one’s personal information while the hate speech clause is proposed to be changed to Sec.

According to the sources, the punishment for electronic forgery should be 7 years or a fine of 5 million or both, and the punishment for supplying electronic devices should be increased from 6 months to 3 years.

According to the sources, the punishment for illegal voice traffic transmission is proposed to be increased from 2 years to 7 years and the punishment for creating malicious code is proposed to be increased from 2 years to 7 years.

According to sources, the federal government will be able to form a joint investigation team on any cyber issue, the investigation or inquiry team will submit its report within 45 days.

According to the sources, the trial of the accused in cases related to sexual abuse of children and harassment of women can be done in camera.

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