The protest movement in Azad Kashmir has ended due to collective efforts, Shahbaz Sharif

The protest movement in Azad Kashmir has ended due to collective efforts, Shahbaz Sharif
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The protest movement in Azad Kashmir has ended due to collective efforts, Shahbaz Sharif

Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that the protest movement in Azad Kashmir has ended due to collective efforts.

Addressing the federal cabinet meeting, Shahbaz Sharif said that Kashmir is the aorta of Pakistan, peace and order is the first necessity there.

He said that the protest movement in Azad Kashmir has ended due to collective efforts, I am thankful to all people including President Zardari and Prime Minister of Azad Kashmir for resolving the matter.

The Prime Minister further said that he is saddened by the loss of life during the protests, and will go to Muzaffarabad in a few days for important meetings.

He said that the issue of Azad Kashmir was discussed with all allies yesterday, immediate decisions were taken in the meeting yesterday.

Shahbaz Sharif also said that the federal cabinet also discussed the situation of Azad Kashmir and it was unanimously decided that the demands of the protesters should be implemented. He announced an aid of 23 billion rupees for Azad Kashmir.

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