Those responsible for May 9th must be held accountable to the law, President

Those responsible for May 9th must be held accountable to the law, President
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Those responsible for May 9th must be held accountable to the law, President

Islamabad: President Asif Ali Zardari has said that May 9 will be remembered as a black day in the history of Pakistan, and those responsible for violence on May 9 should be held accountable according to the law.

In his statement, President Asif Ali Zardari condemned the violent incidents of May 9 and said that on May 9, politically agitated mobs ran riot across the country and damaged government properties and military installations.

He said that the image of the country was badly affected by the events of May 9 and the violent events only served the interests of Pakistan’s enemies. The attacks were an attempt to weaken the state writ, rule of law and institutions. Those responsible should be held accountable according to law.

The President said that peaceful demonstrations and constructive criticism are the spirit of democracy, the constitution of Pakistan has given basic rights of assembly and expression which should be used with utmost responsibility according to the constitution and law.

He warned that he will not tolerate any attempt to incite violence by misusing fundamental rights.

Asif Zardari said that in responsible democracies, destruction and vandalism of state property for political interest has never been seen.

President Asif Ali Zardari expressed pride in the armed forces and its institutions and said that the Pakistani armed forces are leading in the defense of the nation from various threats.

He said that Pakistan is already facing a number of challenges, and the irresponsible actions of political forces affect the development process and increase the socio-economic challenges.

The President said in his statement that the current political situation requires that all political parties work for tolerance, promotion of democratic values, political dialogue and guiding the nation in the right direction.

He said that political parties, parliament, media and civil society should strengthen democracy, promote rule of law, tolerance, political dialogue and culture of inclusion.

Expressing regret and condemnation of the malicious campaign on social media against the state institutions, the President said that there is a need to devise a mechanism to counter and discourage the campaign based on lies.

He said that instead of inciting the youth against state institutions, there is a need to use their talents in the interest of the country.

In his statement, the President emphasized on collective efforts to build a better future, end political division and hatred.

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