World record for cleaning windows in the shortest time

World record for cleaning windows in the shortest time
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World record for cleaning windows in the shortest time

London: A British woman has set a record for cleaning windows in the fastest time.

According to media reports, a British woman has won the Guinness World Records by cleaning three windows in 16.13 seconds.

Alicia Burrows, 33, took part in the Manchester Cleaning Show and cleaned three 45-by-45-inch windows in under 17 seconds, earning her the Guinness World Records title for fastest woman to clean windows. Honored.

Although Alicia does not have a professional window cleaning profession, she inherited this skill from her father, Terry Burroughs, who is a professional window cleaner and who himself holds the world record for the fastest man to clean windows in 9.14 seconds.

Alicia told Guinness World Records that although I have never been a window cleaner, my childhood was associated with the activity. I would sometimes go to London with my father and watch him work. I also attended window cleaning shows with them organized by the Federation of Window Cleaners.

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